Friday, August 26, 2011

What Can I Say But,


Now if you are a fan of the blog you already know that I have given Beyonce's "4" album a CLASSIC!!

Well Beyonce has decided to hit us with a video for her song 1+1 which I absolutely love! The video is so beautiful and simple! I honestly expected nothing less from Queen Bee!

That girl love her some Jigga!

Check out the video below:

I'll Drink To That....

Well I'll be damned and then will be damned again!
Rihanna done hit us with yet another single and video off of her platinum LOUD album...
I swear this girl has been on top with a non-stop reign every since she has come out with Umbrella!
So in love with the video and the concept...
I swear Rihanna makes me feel like we've already hung out and blacked out together!


Check out the new video after the break... & of course  I'll drink to that! 
*sips wine & presses replay*

Monday, August 22, 2011

Where In The World is.....

Casey Anthony!!!
Now I really never spoke on this issue because of the simple fact, if you hurt a child you should DIE or FRY!

& that's just how I personally feel. When I did get caught up on the trail information, I knew that there was a reason as to why I really didn't want updates!

RAGE & RED was all I seen, so why would I be watching the news today and they gone say that Casey Anthony might be in Ohio or even Cleveland for that matter, hiding out!


So tell me your thoughts on the situation, cause I'll be damned if I'm not on the "look out" for the "kill her & ditch her" bitch!
I got a few question for that ass and I dare her to LIE TO ME!

That is all

P.S Don't forget to follow me on twitter for daily fuckery @StonyStoneStone

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Beyonce Roseland Ballroom

If you follow me on twitter, then you already know that I have deemed Beyonce's 4 album a classic!

This performance not only shows that this woman can really SANG, but that she has fun doing it! Beyonce lit up the Roseland Ballroom in NYC!!!

Check out her belting out "Love On Top" from her #1 album "4" below:

P.S Don't forget to follow me on twitter for daily fuckery @StonyStoneStone

P.P.S I heard that Jay-Z and Lady GaGa were in the house ....

Monday, August 15, 2011

Get Yo Ass On The Floor- BIG/Little SEAN

Now I know that I haven't done this in a while, but you know I love good music....Or music that makes me feel good!

On my playlist and on repeat right now is, BIG (little) SEAN's "Dance (Ass)"

I have to thank my home skillet Muff for introducing this song to me, cause even though I know who Big Sean is... 

He is just not my cup of tea! 
I don't care too much for J. Cole, Wiz, or Big/Little Sean, but this song goes Ham-Burger-Helper!

Don't let me be tipsy and this come on... cause I'm gone hurt myself trying to shake all my tail feathers off!

Eeooww! "Now make that motherf*cker HammerTime, like"

Check out the clip below... This my shit!

Should I Be Offended???

Now I've been hearing talk... Not good talk, but talk about an up and coming "female rap artist" by the name of Kreayshawn!    

*takes a breathe*
(Cause you already know that I am about to put on  my teflon vest and go in like FLYNN!)

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Well I guess I just don't know what the fuck is going on in the world anymore...
All I can say is that, there's dead cat on the line and it stank like hell!

Big Boi done got arrested & Fantasia say "God done blessed her with that (married man's) baby"
Actually Fanny adultery gave you that baby, but ok....

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Why I Blog...

In this day in age it seems that everybody and their "mama" has a blog. It also seems that everyone wants to be "the one" or have their blog feature the most entertaining celebrity news.

So your average reader (much like myself) couldn't help but to wonder, what makes us all different from the other?